Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Double bladed skates

Reports had circulated that Sundin was to make a decision on Aug. 1. However, that date passed without a word from the Sundin camp.
It has been widely speculated Sundin will play this season, but it is just a matter of where. However, Barry says Sundin is still considering hanging up his skates for good.
The longer it takes, who knows? Barry told TSN. He is deciding whether it's time to retire or not
Source link:

'I'm going to Russia to be on television in a program they're doing called Skating With the Stars,' he said.
'I'll be in Moscow for four months and I'm taking my family, my wife (Natasha) and my three children.
'For the children it'll be a challenge because they'll go to school there and study Russian.'
For the boxer-turned-skater it's also something of a challenge.
'There is a lot of pain in this,' he said, rubbing his buttocks which had taken the brunt of a fall during practice.
'I do ask myself sometimes 'why do I do it?' but learning to skate is a challenge.
'Whatever I do, I give it 100 per cent.'
He said he had only skated a little when growing up in Russia and now he found it 'interesting' learning to dance on ice
Source link:


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